Manix SKYN Original

Manix SKYN Original

Manix SKYN Original

Thin lubricated condom made of a new elastic material: isoprene is synthetic rubber and contains no natural latex-protein. BUT... some people with a latex-allergy can still develop reactions to this new material! If that's the case we advise to use a 100 percent polyurethane non-latex condom like the Protex Original.
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Manix SKYN Original 1x10’s (pakje)
Manix SKYN Original 6x10’s (unit)

Manix Skyn Original, the sensitive latex free condom.

The Manix Skyn original . No natural rubber, so a good idea for people with an allergy for natural rubber latex. Please try a small pack first, maybe the latex free polyurethane (like Protex original) works better for you.

More Information
CAS Size CAS: 5-5-••-F
Width in mm 53
Circumference condom in mm 106
Length condom in mm 180
Thickness material in mm ,065
Material Isoprene (synthetic polyisoprene)
Latex Free Yes
Texture None
Colour White
Flavour - Scent None
Scent None
Lubricant Neutral
Lubricant based on Silicone
Shape Straight
Reservoir tip Teat ended
Vegan / Suitable for vegans No
Eco friendly No
Fair / Regenerative Rubber No
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