Pop Up Store Condomerie, with Fitting Room. From our Newsletter spring 2019

Pop Up Store Condomerie, with Fitting Room. From our Newsletter spring 2019

Pop Up Store with Fitting Room

This past November (2018) Condomerie collaborated with SOA AIDS NEDERLAND in opening the first ever condom shop with fitting room.

The pop-up store ‘Try Before You Fly’ ran for a full week right in the heart of the Netherlands: Utrecht Central Station. Condomerie Condom Experts were there to help customers find the right products.

Our goal was raising awareness among young people for the importance of condom use. Over the past few years condom use has dropped dramatically with the sexually active youth – from 80 % of people under the age of 25 using condoms in 2009 to only 55 % in 2017. And, unfortunately, the number of people affected by STIs is growing. Hannah Bos from SOA AIDS NEDERLAND stated: “Condom use is no longer the norm, while it is still the best way to protect yourself against an STI.” The opening of our pop-up shop was well received by the media. The NOS evening news made it one of its leading stories, and news outlets such as Trouw, De Volkskrant, Telegraaf, Algemeen Dagblad, Het Boeddhistisch Dagblad and LINDA Nieuws all covered it as well. Didn’t make it to ‘Try Before You Fly’ before it closed? The original Condomerie (only without a fitting room) is still here, close to Amsterdam Central Station.