Why Size Matters (EN)

Why Size Matters (EN)

Why Size Matters


“Measure for pleasure!”, we hear those words a lot in our shop, read out loud by amused customers who study one of our business cards that look like measuring tapes. “Size does matter” is another popular expression. It is printed on some of our lollipop-disguised condoms. It is not our intention to communicate any preferences concerning penis size with those words. Instead, what we mean is that size is important when it comes to using condoms. Let us explain why. 

Find your condom size

Buying a condom is like buying a pair of jeans or a bra. Every body is different and everyone has different proportions between circumference and length. Although latex is pretty flexible (as videos that circulate on the internet demonstrate by showing people filling condoms with water or pulling them over their heads), a condom that is too tight feels uncomfortable and is more likely to tear or roll down. A condom that is too wide might slip off. Hence, "one size fits all" doesn't apply when it comes to choosing a condom. Therefore, Condomerie offers over 100 different condom-sizes. Each condom in our assortment is carefully measured and classified in our measurement system: Condomerie Amsterdam Standard (CAS). This makes it easier to compare different condoms. If you are interested to read more about our research go to Condomerie CAS Index

The differences in condom-sizes is quite evident when you see them next to each other. In our shop we hung 9 different condoms in 9 different sizes (ranging from small to large) on a clothesline. For many people, seeing the range of condom sizes in this way is a real eye-opener. 

If you buy a package of condoms, it will not always be completely clear to you what size you are buying. If a manufacturer or brand mentions “XL”, “King Size” or “Snugger fit” on the box it doesn’t make completely clear how much these condoms differ from an average size (i.e. it is relative). No wonder that people get confused or even frustrated about condoms that never fit, slide off, tear, feel too tight and as a result take away a lot of the fun. It doesn’t have to be this way. There are many possibilities out there that could be a far better match that the condom you’ve been using before. Finding the right condom will make the use of it more comfortable and safe. 

So how to find out which condom is right for you? These are the easiest options to find that out:

Package information

A standard sized condom usually has a lay flat width of 52 mm (which is often mentioned on the package). In terms of our measurement system this would be a CAS 4. If the package mentions a lay flat width of 56 mm or 60 mm the condom will be wider. 49 or 47 mm is tighter. 


The easiest and most accurate way is to measure yourself at home. How to do this is clarified on this page: Made To Measure. Here you can also enter your measurements and immediately get an overview of which condoms will fit. But you can also contact us or come by the shop to tell us your measurements, so we can discuss the different options together. 

Personal advice

Without your measurements there are also ways to help you out. By asking you questions about the previous brands you have been using and why you liked or disliked them, we can estimate which condoms could be right for you. For advice you can come by our shop or send as an E-mail. 

Trial packages

Our "trial-packages" contain one condom of each brand that offers a condom in your size. This gives you the opportunity to try different brands. Each brand feels, smells and fits slightly different and in the end there is just one way to find which condom will be your favorite one: try it yourself.