Penile Circumference and condoms - Circumference of penis after sexual stimulus: grouped by age

Penile Circumference and condoms - Introduction

Penile Circumference and condoms -Method - Measurements

Penile Circumference and condoms - Method - Subjects and stimuli

Penile Circumference and condoms - Circumference of penis before sexual stimulus presentation

Penile Circumference and condoms - Circumference of penis after sexual stimulus presentation

Penile Circumference and condoms - Circumference of penis after sexual stimulus: grouped by response

Penile Circumference and condoms -Circumference of penis after sexual stimulus: grouped by estimated erection

Penile Circumference and condoms - Circumference of penis after sexual stimulus: grouped by age

Penile Circumference and condoms -Circumference of penis during sleep: grouped by response

Penile Circumference and condoms - Concluding remarks

Penile Circumference and condoms - Reference

Penile Circumference and condoms -Appendix: The Kinsey Data

3 Results

3.5 Circumference of penis after sexual stimulus: grouped by age

Figures 7 and 8 show the distribution of penile circumferences grouped by age (n=137) and by age for the subjects with a circumference change of at least 1 mm (n=61), respectively.

Figure 7. Distribution of circumferences of the erect penis, grouped by age (N= 137).

Figure 8. Distribution of circumferences of the penis, grouped by age (>1 mm, N= 61).