Penile Circumference and condoms - Reference

Penile Circumference and condoms - Introduction

Penile Circumference and condoms -Method - Measurements

Penile Circumference and condoms - Method - Subjects and stimuli

Penile Circumference and condoms - Circumference of penis before sexual stimulus presentation

Penile Circumference and condoms - Circumference of penis after sexual stimulus presentation

Penile Circumference and condoms - Circumference of penis after sexual stimulus: grouped by response

Penile Circumference and condoms -Circumference of penis after sexual stimulus: grouped by estimated erection

Penile Circumference and condoms - Circumference of penis after sexual stimulus: grouped by age

Penile Circumference and condoms -Circumference of penis during sleep: grouped by response

Penile Circumference and condoms - Concluding remarks

Penile Circumference and condoms - Reference

Penile Circumference and condoms -Appendix: The Kinsey Data

5 Reference

Bancroft, J., Jones, H. G., & Pullan, B. R. (1966). A simple transducer for measuring penile erection, with coments on its use in the treatment of sexual disorders. Behavior Research Therapy, 9, 239-241.
Barlow, D. H., Becker, R., Leitenberg, H., & Agras, W. (1970). A mechanical strain gauge for recording penile circumference change. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 3, 73-76.
Dickinson, R. L. (1933/1971). Atlas of human sex anatomy. New York: Krieger Publishing.
Gebhard, P. H., & Johnson, A. B. (1979). The Kinsey data. Philadelphia: Saunders.
Janssen, E., Vissenberg, M., & Visser, S. A comparison of two strain gauges for the measurement of penile circumference. In preparation
Kinsey, A. C., Pomeroy, W. B., & Martin, C. E. (1948). Sexual behavior in the human male. Philadelphia: Saunders.
Rosen, R. C., & Beck, J. G. (1988). Patterns of sexual arousal. New York: The Guilford Press.

Zilbergeld, B. (1978). Male sexuality. Boston: Little, Brown.In sum, the presented data should be interpreted with some caution. Certainly, some of the methodological pitfalls or problems mentioned are general to this kind of research, and it may also be clear that any solution or approach has its pros and cons. Still, while this study has its own drawbacks, we believe that the presented data delineate a realistic range of penile circumferences, with values closely resembling values previously reported in other countries.