Penile Circumference and condoms - Method - Subjects and stimuli

Penile Circumference and condoms - Introduction

Penile Circumference and condoms -Method - Measurements

Penile Circumference and condoms - Method - Subjects and stimuli

Penile Circumference and condoms - Circumference of penis before sexual stimulus presentation

Penile Circumference and condoms - Circumference of penis after sexual stimulus presentation

Penile Circumference and condoms - Circumference of penis after sexual stimulus: grouped by response

Penile Circumference and condoms -Circumference of penis after sexual stimulus: grouped by estimated erection

Penile Circumference and condoms - Circumference of penis after sexual stimulus: grouped by age

Penile Circumference and condoms -Circumference of penis during sleep: grouped by response

Penile Circumference and condoms - Concluding remarks

Penile Circumference and condoms - Reference

Penile Circumference and condoms -Appendix: The Kinsey Data

2  Method

2.2 Subjects and stimili

Subjects. Descriptive statistics are provided for the data of 4 studies. In Table 2 the following characteristics are presented: subject group (sexually dysfunctional versus sexually functional men), the kind of sexual stimuli used, number of subjects (N), number of subjects with estimations of degree of erection available, number of subjects with estimated degree of erection > 0%, number of subjects with more than 0 mm circumference change, number of subjects with NPT > 0 mm circumference change (study 3).

Subjects from study 1 were patients with complaints of erectile failure. Subjects from study 2-4 were sexually functional men. Both patients and control subjects submitted written informed consent prior to participation. Confidentiality, hygiene, privacy during the psychophysiological session, and the opportunity to withdraw at any time were assured to all subjects. Subjects were assessed individually.

Table 2. Study Characteristics
Study Group Stimuli N N
(subj. measure)
(>0% estim erect.)
(>= 1mm change)
(>= 1mm NPT)
1 patient film 185 114 54 59  
2 functional film 51 50 46 34  
3 functional film/slides 47 47 42 39 39
4 functional film 20 20 20 20  
    Total 303 231 162 152 39

The mean age of the subjects in study 1 was 53 (range 19 to 78 yrs). The mean age of the subjects in study 2 was 40 (range 19 to 69 yrs). The mean age of the subjects in study 3 was 27 (range not available). At the time of writing this report, information was not available concerning the age of the subjects in study 4. Most subjects were white (college- and non-college) heterosexual men. Only a few homosexual men participated in the four studies. These men were provided with stimuli matching their sexual preference.  

Stimuli. In study 1 and study 2, several 3-min. sexual film excerpts were used as stimuli. For the purpose of this report the data of only one film presentation is presented. In study 3, subjects were presented with a 10-min. sexual film excerpt or with two 5-min. sexual slides. Subjects in study 3 also measured their erections at home. These subjects were instructed to place the Erectiometer on the penis before going to sleep. Thus, for this group additional data was obtained concerning sleep-erections ('nocturnal penile tumescence', NPT).